Lately I've been thinking about how God sees us, not only as His children that He loves but also as His creations that He's proud of. As a writer, I create characters - people. I dream up their hair color and their eye color, their likes and dislikes, their quirks. I spend time getting to know them. They are my creations, and I love them.
If I love these fictional people I've created, how much more does God love us - His creations? I love my charries because I've put pieces of myself in each one of them. In Pandora I've given her my love for books and my quiet ability to listen. Airamae has my imagination, my dreams. Brittan has my strength, Journey has my determination, Devin, my empathy. Just as I've created my charries in my image, God has created us in His. I can see His generosity in my sister, His mercy in my Mom, His compassion in my friend, His hope in myself.
The Lord is the author of our lives, He's writing our story just as I'm writing my charries'. As the author, I know everything that's going to happen to my characters before it happens. I can see the whole picture like God sees our lives, as a whole. I know the pain that they'll have to endure, I know the decisions they're going to make and I also know that things get better on the other side of the mess they're living in, they just have to find strength and persevere. If I were to tell Pandora that she would find hope and joy and a brand new life, she wouldn't believe me. If I told Airamae that she'd leave everything safe and familiar to save a life she's never met, she'd laugh in my face. If I were to tell Keaton that he'll find forgiveness and reconciliation in the God he hates, he'd call me insane.
I look at my precious charries and see ME. How often have I said to God, "I can't do this, I'm afraid, I'm confused, this isn't right!"? I have so little faith in my author, the one who wrote the story of my life, the only one who knows how it ends and every chapter in between. Yet, when I feel Him nudging me to do something, I say, "No"? Thinking that I know better? That isn't right. He's all knowing and perfect and I'm only human.
Trusting God is hard. It's letting go of what you see and trusting in the unseen, no matter the circumstances. I struggle so often with trust, but who better to place my faith in than the one who created me? Who know's me and loves me more then Him? This post was just a page out of my journal, it's honest and I hope you learn something along with me. I'll leave you with one of my favorite verses, because it seems only fitting:
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
This is so true and amazing! God has blessed you with a wonderful gift of writing!:) Thanks for saying you see Gods generosity in me! That is a HUGE complement :) Great and inspireing Post! Keep at it! Luv your sissy Emmy